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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Manga in the 80's Pt. 15

Cyber 7. Written and illustrated by Shuho Itahashi. Eclipse Comics with Studio Proteus published 17 issues in a monthly format from March 1989 to Autumn 1990 spanning the 2 original books.
The manga was originally published by Hakusensha in the mid to late 80's.

Our young protagonist Tatsuki finds a photograph that shows a group of organic androids helping people after a vehicle accident, this he then sells to a tabloid newspaper, making it public knowledge 14 years after the accident and exposing their secret existence, and putting himself and those now teenagers and the scientist in great danger!

The secret of the 7 organic androids is that they are self-aware and make their own choices, and need a convincing discussion before undertaking any new obligation, and up until now have been kept a secret.

The threat to all, is a 7 foot tall anthropomorphic Rabbit who's technology is way-ahead of this Earth's time, not to mention his organisation's foot soldiers!

[Note: The artwork has a distinctive European feel to it, but the story is one truly from a Japanese prospective.]

[Note: I only have a smattering of the comic-books, so it is difficult to do it justice.  UPDATE; With a complete set I now can take the time to try to understand the themes of the the story, and review the translated manga.]

[Note: For many weeks now I have been ranking my brain with the notion that “Cyber 7” is not translated from the original Japanese title..... but I as yet can not find any proof of this!!  UPDATE; it is called the Bridge. ]

[UPDATE: Collection of issues 1 to 17 now complete. (27/08/2022).]

Cyber 7 BOOK ONE.
Issues 1 to 7.

Cyber 7 BOOK TWO.
Issues 1 to 10.

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